Adaptive Quality of Service Architecture offers an open architecture that enables the flexible provisioning of Quality of Service functionality.
The architecture uses formal scheduling analysis and control theoretical results to ensure high-quality performance. At the core of AQuoSA is an adaptive resource reservation layer that dynamically adjusts CPU allocation for QoS-aware applications based on their run-time requirements.
Timing guarantees are provided through an in-kernel reservation based process scheduler that exposes its services through a well-designed API. The system also includes a supervisor that performs admission control, ensuring that the timing guarantees of already admitted applications are not affected by new ones. It also guarantees appropriate security policies for the assignment of timing guarantees to users and user groups as configured by the system administrator.
Furthermore, AQuoSA features a feedback-based QoS control layer that may be optionally used by applications to keep their timing guarantees by using a CPU allocation that automatically adapts according to their actual needs. This allows programmers, within certain limits, to hard-code any particular reservation amount within the application. It also enhances the possibilities for the system to host additional QoS controlled applications. The available control algorithms are well founded on formal scheduling models and control theoretical results.
Overall, AQuoSA is an exceptional software that works well in ensuring high-quality performance for QoS-aware applications, and its flexibility, portability, and lightweight design make it a must-have for users looking to enhance the QoS functionality of their Linux kernel.
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