BHL is an Emacs mode that enables plain text to be converted into HTML, SGML, LaTeX, and Texinfo formats.
These conventions are neither unusually odd nor completely universal. They are selected among the most practical and convenient text formatting conventions. The purpose of BHL mode is to implement the most effortless and inconspicuous syntax. The phrase "invisible syntax" means that the source file must be as readable as possible, like any plain text document. The "convenient syntax" implies that it must fit the user's habits. For example, *word* appears in bold, _word_ appears in emphasis, and lists and URLs follow StructuredText or Wiki conventions. The numbering of sections respects logic and intuition.
In summary, there is no need to learn a separate syntax to write documents using the BHL mode. With BHL, you only edit text, making it not WYSIWYG, and not WYSIWYM like LyX since you only edit text. Therefore, BHL is WYSIWYS(IWYS), in which what you see is what you see.
BHL comes loaded with various features like converting plain text to HTML/SGML/Linuxdoc/Texinfo/LaTeX. It works with GNU Emacs, but is not a part of it. It is free software with the current release being version 1.7.3. BHL uses an implicit and minimalistic syntax, à la Wiki, and is written by Bastien Guerry. The tool is currently being rewritten.
Installing BHL is simple. Start by untaring the archive using `bhl.tar.gz' . Move to the bhl-* directory and set up the `Makefile'. After this, compile and install BHL. In case you need to install BHL in your /usr/local/ or /usr/share/ paths, you require superuser (i.e. root) permissions. However, if anything goes wrong during the process, a message will indicate it.
If you wish to generate and install the `' file, use `make info' and `make install-info'. Similarly, you can generate the printed manual (PDF) using `make pdf' and the HTML manual with `make html'. Furthermore, you can add the following lines to your `~/.emacs.el':
(autoload 'bhl-mode "bhl" "BHL Mode" t)
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '(".bhl$" . bhl-mode))
This line enables the user to associate a new extension with the BHL editing mode, simplifying opening a specific extension.
Version 1.7.9: N/A