Cryptkeeper is a system tray applet that helps manage EncFS encrypted folders across various interfaces such as KDE, Gnome, and XFce. It is a free software project.
On Ubuntu, installing EncFS is a breeze with just a few simple steps. Firstly, you need to install EncFS by running "sudo aptitude install encfs". Then, you should run "sudo echo "fuse" >> /etc/modules" and "sudo modprobe fuse" to add and enable fuse in your system.
Lastly, you need to run "sudo addgroup fuse" and log off and back on again to complete the installation process. Once done, you can easily manage EncFS encrypted folders through the Cryptkeeper project. Overall, it's a brilliant software that does exactly what it's designed to do and in a simple and effective manner.
Version 0.9.5: N/A