Feedbackfox is a Firefox add-on designed for eBay sellers to make the feedback process more streamlined. This tool seamlessly integrates with eBay's feedback filter and allows users to easily filter and manage feedback.
One of the most convenient features is that a single click on any column header enables sorting by feedback type, or color. Feedbackfox is remarkably speedy and provides an overall impression of any seller or buyer that tickles your fancy.
Clicking on a feedback row opens the item side in a new tab of the browser. Not only that, if Feedbackfox discovers any eBay item, the context menu of the browser is extended by all the usernames that the current site contains. Simply choose a name, and the related feedback will appear (the sidebar opens automatically if necessary).
You can customize the tool according to your preferences. For instance, you can decide whether the toolbar button is visible or not and set how many feedbacks you want to see. Furthermore, there is a readonly textbox for developer notes in the options pane, where notes like the red ones may appear above.
To use Feedbackfox, all you need is Firefox – it's that simple.
Version 1.0.2: N/A