InfoZoomer is a personal information management software that provides a virtual desktop for organizing, viewing, and handling personal data in a natural manner. It enables users to analyze information at different scales and levels of detail.
Users can easily move to any place over the desk, view the entire desk or any part of it by obtaining any height or move down to read the smallest note. Thanks to the zooming representation of data, InfoZoomer is a convenient way to keep track of all the details in one's information entourage, making it an effective solution for managing notes, tasks, phone numbers, contact information, file shortcuts, web links, images, and more.
Unlike conventional personal information managers, InfoZoomer overcomes limitations by providing users with evident, natural, and effective representation of their information environment. It incorporates several unique features that set it apart from other software in its class. For instance, it uses zooming to improve the return on interaction between user and information.
Moreover, there are no predefined fields, which means that users can freely arrange their information, whether copied from other documents or programs. Users can reorganize their information structure continuously to adjust to their current purposes effortlessly. The software allows users to develop and organize ideas, then modify the information to draft messages, plan projects, or develop processes.
With InfoZoomer, users can consolidate their personal information in one place and get a comprehensive overview of specific parts or the whole. This feature enables users to see the "big picture" of their data. The software also consolidates the data by the topology principle, which allows users to collect information in the context of specific projects or processes, saving time.
Finally, InfoZoomer provides users with several options to prioritize and choose the most important data. Users can use color, font style, location, and size of data fields to highlight and classify essential information. In conclusion, InfoZoomer is an innovative and effective solution for users who want to manage their personal information efficiently.
Version 2.02: 1) Transparent fields. 2) New toolbars and menus (with Windows XP style). 3) Graphic background for zones. 4) Improved search features. 5) Permanent showing of zone titles . 6) Fields creating of default size.
Version 2.01: 1) Transparent fields. 2) New toolbars and menus (with Windows XP style). 3) Graphic background for zones. 4) Improved search features. 5) Permanent showing of zone titles . 6) Fields creating of default size.
Version 2.00:
1) New toolbars and menus (with Windows XP style)
2) Graphic background for zones
3) Improved search features
4) Permanent showing of zone titles
5) Fields creating of default size