JiraRMI allows for remote access to core features of Jira software via RMI through a plug-in.
Originally developed at ReserveAmerica, JiraRMI has been deployed in production since June of this year. Requirements for installation include the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.5 or later and Jira 3.12.
To install, build the project using the ant file, build.xml, and copy the necessary files to the Jira installation directory. Then, modify the security policies in catalina.policy to allow all permissions. Additionally, logging levels can be modified in log4j.properties.
To enable the RMI service in Jira, add a service under Administration-->Services with specific parameters including a name, class, RMI registry port, RMI port, session expiration length, and delay. Successful installation is confirmed with a Log4j logging message.
In conclusion, JiraRMI offers numerous benefits for integrating Java applications with Jira's core functions in a powerful and efficient manner.
Version 1.2.0: N/A