lovely.recipe is a free and open source set of helper recipes for zc.buildout, licensed and distributed under ZPL 2.1.
Lovely.recipe is a remarkable, freely available and open-source set of auxiliary recipes designed explicitly for zc.buildout.
One of the most significant advantages of lovely.recipe is the ability to operate on any operating system. Additionally, Lovely.recipe is built on Python, and its code is easily customizable, meaning users can build specific solutions that fit their needs.
Moreover, it provides users with fantastic functionalities such as the ability to configure templates for multiple types of files like configuration files, etc. The well-documented codes make it simple for users to understand, learn and work with it.
It is essential to note that Lovely.recipe adheres to the licensing under the terms of the Zope Public License (ZPL) version 2.1.
Overall, Lovely.recipe is an excellent set of recipes that is perfect for zc.buildout. It's an open-source solution, which means users can use it freely and even modify it to suit their specific requirements. Lovely.recipe is undoubtedly worth giving a try, and it won't disappoint.
Version 1.0.0 Beta 6: N/A