Wmbio is a dock application created specifically for WindowMaker, allowing users to access and manage various functions more easily.
Using Wmbio is easy. Simply launch it with the command "wmbio" and drag it to the dock. Set it to be autolaunched, and you're ready to go. With the middle mouse button, you can switch between three different screens.
In the second screen, you'll need to set your own birth date. After that, use the first screen to monitor your biorhythm level for today, or for the past and future by clicking on "NOW" and editing the date. Finally, use the third screen to see your next biorhythm level, which can be either higher or lower than the percentage that you've set.
If you ever need to make changes to the configuration file, it's located in ~/.wmbio. However, you should never have to edit this file directly. The function that reads from this file is a simple fscanf("%s %s %s"). Make sure that there are three numbers present in the file; otherwise, it can cause the program to block itself.
In summary, Wmbio is a great software for keeping track of your biorhythms. Its simple and easy-to-use interface makes it an ideal choice for both beginners and experts alike.
Version 1.02: N/A