This software offers a fast and unique approach to color picking by displaying three colors together and allowing users to compare two colors with a third. It supports both hex and decimal number formats and provides access to 16 million colors.
But what is essential is how colors look together rather than individually. This is where the 4Hexillion Color Combos software shines brightly. It allows you to see three colors together and compare how two of them look with a third. You can even open separate windows to compare different color combinations.
With 4Hexillion Color Combos, you can display a full layout of sample web pages using any of the 4,722,366,482,869,645,213,696 different combos. After an exhaustive search for a tool like this, we finally made our own. This tool works with hex or decimal color codes and even generates random colors to match your taste.
We use 4Hexillion Color Combos a LOT! The best thing about this tool is that it is Forever Free Software licensed under the GNU General Public License of the Free Foftware Foundation. So, you won't have to pay a penny to access its many benefits.
At Inner Peace, we aspire to provide useful tools for webmasters and developers. While we are not primarily a webmaster programming site, we have uncovered many helpful things in the course of our web site development, and we want to make it available for the community. So, if you find yourself struggling with color combinations, 4Hexillion Color Combos is the solution for you! Thank you for your continued support of Inner Peace.
Version 2.10.04: Latest and greatest tweaks and insights