ActiveDrawer is a Visual Studio addin program that offers real-time visual rendering for Visual Studio C++. It features a list view of macroscopic content, as well as flow and NSD charts that link user source code with Visual Studio.

ActiveDrawer is a tool that developers of all levels will find useful. The program works by gathering data from the user's source code and transforming it into diagrams allowing them to visualize their code. The add-in is easy to integrate with Visual Studio and provides instant feedback on code changes.
One of the advantages of ActiveDrawer is its ability to create flow-chart style diagrams and Nassi-Shneiderman Diagrams (NSD) for the source code. The user can easily switch between these diagram styles, which allows them to better understand the system and track down potential bugs.
ActiveDrawer also supports Visual Studio C++ 5, 6, .NET, .NET 2003, 2005, 2008, 2010 and 2012. This means that developers can use this program on almost any version of Visual Studio C++. The program provides a list view of macroscopic contents, and co-relations between user source code and Visual Studio making it an invaluable tool for developers whether they are working on legacy or modern systems.
In summary, ActiveDrawer is an incredible add-in program that simplifies the process of code diagramming in real-time, providing quick understanding for developers reviewing their source code. This program is a must-have for any Visual Studio C++ developer looking to improve their productivity and efficiency.
Version 3.51: Fixed no license information on about dialog.
Version 3: Upgraded flow view to version 2.
Version 2.1.0: Added Macro Relation View.
Version 1.8.7: Added ActiveDrawer Style Editor.
Version 1.8.4: Fixed crash after saving file on Flow-view and NSD-view.
Version 1.8.1: Upgraed Flow and NSD mouse click event.
Version 1.7.8: Upgraded the visual engine.
Version 1.7.1: Added Magic Builder.
Version 1.6.0: Added Flow View.
Version 1.5.7: Added Flow View.