Atom TechSoft file shredder software allows for secure erasure of any data on your hard drive. The shredding application is designed to remove unwanted files from your system.

This software was created in response to a query from Washington, USA on how to completely erase files from a hard disk. As no software was available at the time, Atom TechSoft's software engineer took it upon himself to develop an application to solve this problem.
To use File Shredder, simply install it on your device and launch it. You will be presented with two options for shredding files: the first is the "add file" option, and the second is the "add folder" option. Select your preferred option and click the "shred file" button to begin shredding the file.
Once the folder or file has been shredded, it will be removed from the location where it was originally saved. This ensures that no one can recover the information from that location. If you require more satisfaction, you can manually check the location to confirm that the file has been completely erased.
In addition to shredding files, File Shredder also offers an option for shredding the recycle bin. This allows you to directly shred the entire recycle bin, ensuring that no deleted files can be recovered.
Overall, I would highly recommend File Shredder by Atom TechSoft to anyone who needs to completely erase files from their hard disk. It's a simple and effective solution that gets the job done without leaving anything behind.
Version 1.0: Securely cleaning files: Configure File Shredder software to overwrite a file data with accidental information up to 15 times, so it is practically not possible to recover the original data again..