This program is a powerful database for draughts with an integrated module for playing and analyzing at a master level. It's easy to use for both novice and experienced players.
The Free Multi-Draughts Version of Aurora Borealis Lite 3.6 goes one step further by providing you access to 12 of the world's most popular draughts variations. Whether you are a fan of English, Italian, Russian, Brazilian, Czech, Pool, Spanish, Thai, International, Frisian, Spantsireti, or Canadian versions, Aurora Borealis has got you covered.
Apart from playing with an advanced computer partner, you can also analyze games with ease, comment on games, and create your own games databases. All these features make Aurora Borealis a must-have for any checkers player who wants to take their game to the next level.
Overall, Aurora Borealis is a world-class checkers database program that is packed with impressive features. Whether you are a seasoned player or a beginner, this software is easy to use and packed with handy tools that will help you analyze, comment, and create a database of your games easily.
Version 3.6: Updated engines. Books/Trees use engine's evaluations for playing purposes. Some interface updates.