This screen recorder and editor software allow to create professional product demos, tutorials, and presentations easily. The recorded videos can be shared with audiences anywhere, making it an effective tool for video lectures or presentations. Start making WOW presentations and tutorials with this powerful software!

One of the most impressive features of CamVerce is its interactive options, which will captivate the attention and participation of your viewers. The CamVerce Launcher and Recording Wizard make it easy for anyone to get started, even if they've never created a multimedia presentation or tutorial before.
And if you're short on time to edit, why not try drawing on your screen while recording? With CamVerce, you'll be able to produce WOW-worthy presentations and tutorials quickly and easily. So why wait? Get started on your next project today with CamVerce!
Version 1.95: Support Windows 8. Improved UI and Resource.
Version 1.8: -Registered version of CamVerce includes registered version of iSCC 1.7.- Windows 7 related resources have been changed and added
Version 1.7: - Registered version of CamVerce includes registered version of iSCC 1.5. - Evaluation version of CamVerce includes evaluation version of iSCC 1.5. - Fixed compatibility issue with Windows Vista SP2 or later. - Terminating issue when working directory is not set has been fixed.
Version 1.5: Single click editing and converting features from the Recorder and the Studio have been added. Price for Single user license has been lowered to $99.