This software displays color information for the mouse cursor's current position on screen, including RGB values, HTML hex codes, and English color names. The values can be copied for use in other applications.
With Color Detector, all you have to do is point your mouse cursor at the color in question, and the application will provide you with the RGB color values, the HTML color hex code, and the name of the color in plain English. It even displays the current X and Y coordinates of your mouse.
Another great feature of Color Detector is the ability to copy the HTML color hex code or the RGB color values directly to your clipboard. This can save designers, programmers, and graphic artists a lot of valuable time.
Overall, Color Detector is an essential tool for anyone who works with colors on a regular basis. Whether you are a web designer, programmer, or graphic artist, this software will make your work much easier and more efficient.
Version 2.0: Improved the detection of color names; Redesigned the UI; Supports XP and Vista themes