Curvilinear is a user-friendly software designed to simplify learning of Plane Analytic Geometry. Its interactive interface helps overcome the abstract nature of PAG, making it easier to understand and master.

Studying and solving problems in PAG with a book or private teacher often has limitations in terms of the number of problems solved and the level of understanding. Curvilinear solves this problem by allowing users to learn while solving problems in an effective, amusing, and rewarding way. Hundreds of variations of a problem can be made with just a few mouse clicks.
Curvilinear also offers two methods for processing (x,y) coordinates entered by users: keyboard or mouse. The keyboard option is best suited for specific problems, where users select objects (point, line, circle, etc.) with a mouse click and then enter the corresponding coordinates via the keyboard. The mouse option, while quicker to use, requires a steady hand and is ideal for learning PAG and becoming familiar with the subject matter.
In summary, Curvilinear is a visual and interactive software that makes learning PAG easier, more efficient, and enjoyable. It is especially useful for those who need extensive practice and repetition to understand the mathematics and meanings of PAG.
Version 1: N/A