Barcodesoft Data Matrix Premium Package facilitates desktop printing of Data Matrix Barcodes. This software can encode all ASCII and Extended ASCII characters and offers 9 font options along with a crystal reports UFL DLL and a GUI encoder.

The Data Matrix barcode is capable of encoding both 128 ASCII characters (ANSI X3.4) and values 128 to 255 characters, known as extended ASCII (ISO 8859-1). The unique finder pattern and module placement algorithm of Data Matrix barcode symbols makes them visually stunning. Barcodesoft Data Matrix printing solution uses a Reed Solomon algorithm to implement ECC 200 level of error checking and correcting, ensuring the accuracy of the encoded information.
To obtain the smallest codewords stream, Data Matrix applies different encoding schemes to different data types. Barcodesoft Data Matrix Premium Package is a user-friendly solution for printing Data Matrix Barcode Symbols from desktop printers. The package includes a true type font, a crystal reports UFL DLL, and a GUI encoder, as well as a simple Visual Basic sample for easy development.
Barcodesoft Data Matrix Premium Packages also come with a 30-day money-back guarantee. If the product does not meet your expectations or requirements, you can receive a full refund within 30 days. In summary, the Data Matrix barcode is a powerful, efficient, and visually pleasing symbology that offers a reliable solution for encoding large quantities of data, and Barcodesoft's Data Matrix Premium Package offers a comprehensive solution for printing these barcode symbols.
Version 4.1: N/A
Version 1.1: N/A