File Hash Calculator software calculates MD5 and SHA1 hashes of files on computers. Hash list can be saved as an XML file, text or copy-pasted to the clipboard.

One of the best features of this software is its simplicity. Using only the MD5 and SHA1 algorithms, this software can calculate the hashes of one or more files on your computer system with ease. Once the hashes have been calculated, you can simply copy them to the clipboard or save them as a text/html/xml file using the right-click menu.
One of the best things about this software is that it's completely free. It's a great alternative to the HashMyFiles software, which can be found here. Additionally, this software is an offline file hash calculator that can handle an endless amount of files and files of whatever size you want. This means that all of your files will remain on your computer and won't be sent to a third-party server.
For forensic investigators, this software is especially useful. Each and every computation is carried out immediately in your computer, which means that there is no risk of any data being compromised. The designer of this software, Anuraag Singh, is a cyber expert from India who has created a program that is both powerful and easy to use.
Finally, one of the best features of this software is that it is portable. This means that you can run it without having to install it on your computer, and it will display the MD5/SHA1 hashes of the files or folders that have been selected for analysis. Overall, this software is a powerful, simple, and free tool for anyone who needs to calculate the hashes of their files.
Version 1.0: Support Added for All Popular Hashing Methods.