Find and download movies in HD or Full HD with subtitles. Explore movie details such as posters, IMDb rating, genre, language, trailers, synopsis and even director and cast information. Simply search by title to get started.
One of the most impressive aspects of this software is the amount of data that is displayed for each film. You'll be able to view the movie poster, title, year, IMDb rating, genres, language, trailer, synopsis, and even the names and pictures of the director(s) and cast.
If there is a particular film that catches your eye, you can simply click on the poster or picture to go directly to the respective IMDb web page. Additionally, you'll have the ability to pause/resume, delete, or search your downloads at your convenience.
Another key perk of this software is that you'll have full access to all of the downloaded files, unlike paid streaming services that have limitations. All of this is available through a fast and user-friendly interface that is sure to make your movie-watching experience much more enjoyable.
Version November-2021: This is the first version of the Filminator. The program can search Films by title and download them with several video qualities.