Forum Poster automates posting and replying to messages on forums.

Currently, Forum Poster can post and reply messages to three different popular forum types, including phpBB2, vBulletin, and Snitz Forums 2000 V3.4.07. It even supports image verification, which can be a necessary feature for forums that require human identification to prevent spam.
The software allows you to register for an account on the board automatically. All you need to do is type in the username, e-mail, and desired password. Forum Poster then logs in as the registered user and posts or replies to messages automatically. You only need to click a single button to get started.
Additionally, Forum Poster supports the editing, adding, and deleting of forum URLs, making it easy to customize your posting plan. The program also allows for importing and exporting URL lists, making it convenient to move your lists from one machine to another.
Posting advertisements on forum boards can be an effective way to drive traffic to your website. With Forum Poster, you can bring a large number of new visitors to your site and improve your search engine rankings. High link popularity counts for a lot with search engines like Google.
Version 3.30: All New Version
Version 3.21: All New Version