Icons-Land Vista Style Hardware & Devices Icon Set offers developers a time and cost-saving solution for enhancing software with modern electronic hardware icons. With this readily available set, contracting expenses can be cut and development time saved.

With ready-made icons, you can save time designing and crafting graphical elements. Instead of hiring a contractor, choose a matching set of icons that deliver exactly what you see. This eliminates miscommunications and delays, allowing you to deliver your project on-time and on-budget.
The Vista Style Hardware & Devices Icon Set from Icons-Land contains 363 modern electronic hardware items such as computers, mice, flash cards, software, different kinds of drives, network equipment, and more. Designed in the Windows Vista style, these icons will ensure that your applications always look great. Your customers will immediately feel at home when they start your software enhanced with Devices Icon Set under the new Aero interface.
The icon set includes all images in the following sizes 16x16, 24x24, 32x32, 48x48, 64x64, 128x128, and Vista-defined 256x256 pixels. Unlike competitors, Icons-Land hand-crafts icons pixel by pixel for the smallest size of 16x16 pixels, making them clean and easily recognizable. All icons are available as TrueColor PNG files with semi-transparent Alpha-channel for a slick, modern appearance.
Overall, the Vista Style Hardware & Devices Icon Set is the perfect solution for developers looking to save time and money while enhancing the look of their software. The set is meticulously designed and includes a wide range of modern electronic hardware items, making it a versatile choice for any project.
Version 3.0: New Icons added