Maiar is a privacy-focused and speedy browser for the contemporary web. It outperforms Chrome and Safari by loading well-known sites 2-8 times quicker, while being capable of ad blocking without add-ons.
Maiar's ad blocker, Maiar Safeguard, eliminates malicious and irritating ads, blocking trackers such as analytic scripts, tracking pixels, and other methods of data collection. This means that you can browse the web peacefully without worrying about being tracked or having your data collected without your consent.
Your privacy is Maiar's top priority, and it has been incorporated into the software's framework. It includes features to help protect your privacy and keep your browser and devices secure. Additionally, Maiar doesn't track, collect, or share your browsing data, and your private data stays private on your devices until you delete it.
Maiar Sync enables you to synchronize your preferred settings and bookmarks, and the data is encrypted. The software does not hold any keys to decrypt your data, ensuring maximum privacy. The built-in password manager remembers your passwords for different sites, while Maiar also prevents unexpected and unwanted videos with audio from automatically playing while you browse.
Maiar is both wallet and authenticator, and new features are in progress, enhancing its already impressive functions. Overall, Maiar is an excellent software that prioritizes your privacy and security while providing a seamless and enjoyable browsing experience.
Version Rendering engine: Brave: 1.9.68; Chromium: 81.0.4044.138 (Official Build) (64-bit)