MapViewSVG is a software that offers a solution for creating interactive maps with Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) and embedded HTML. It provides an easy-to-use platform for adding customizable markers, pop-ups, zooming, and panning to maps.
MapViewSVG supports both vector and image data. While image data are displayed in their regular GIF or JPEG formats, vector data and any text objects are converted into the SVG format. What's great about SVG graphics is that they remain cartographically precise when you zoom in or out, unlike other formats that may pixelate when enlarged. Additionally, SVG files load much faster in a web browser and have smaller file sizes.
Another great feature of MapViewSVG is that it supports attribute data, which can be stored as XML files. These data can be displayed in various ways including mouse-over effects, identifying features on the map, and even the whole attribute table. Sounds familiar? That's because it's just like in ArcView! This helps maintain a seamless workflow for those already familiar with ArcView.
Overall, MapViewSVG is a great option for those looking to easily publish their maps online or on CD-ROM. Its support for SVG graphics, attribute data, and simple deployment make it a valuable extension for users of ArcGIS 8.x.
Version 3.x: N/A