MyCyberFriend is a chat program for children ages 8-12 that lets them interact with human-like robots. The more they chat about various topics, the more robotic friends feel like real friends.
The two main robot friends are a boy and a girl; they think and act as if they are real. They are not reactive as many similar programs tend to be, but rather, they are proactive in their interactions with the children. This gives children the illusion that they are interacting with real friends, not just software.
MyCyberFriend covers a broad range of subjects that are of interest to children aged 8-12 years old. There is a free-form chat feature in which kids can engage their robot friends on any topic that they find fascinating. Additionally, the program allows for games, singing songs, telling stories, and cracking jokes.
Moreover, the robots have their own backgrounds, likes, and dislikes, just as human children do. This means that MyCyberFriend creates a fun, safe space on the internet for children to act as children do. Even moms would approve of the content, as it is always nice, polite, and supportive.
As an app that is fully compliant with COPPA (Children's Online Privacy Protection Act), MyCyberFriend never collects personal information that could allow a real human to contact and connect with the children. So, you can rest assured that your child is safe while interacting with these robot friends.
Version 3.0: Games, shareware,flash animation,mp3 support
Version 2.0: none