PDF Merge Tool enables efficient merging of various formats into a single PDF file and provides an option to protect or remove passwords. The tool simplifies and speeds up the merging process.
The application has a friendly and clear interface that makes it easy to work with and understand. You can seamlessly merge CAD (dwg, dxf), document (abw, djvu, doc, docm, docx, html, lwp, md, odt, pages, pages.zip, pdf, rst, rtf, sdw, tex, txt, wpd, wps), ebooks (azw, azw3, azw4, cbc, cbr, cbz, chm, epub, fb2, htm, htmlz, lit, lrf, mobi, pdb, pml, prc, rb, snb, tcr, txtz), image (3fr, arw, bmp, cr2, crw, dcr, dng, erf, gif, ico, jpeg, jpg, mos, mrw, nef, odd, orf, pef, png, ppm, psd, raf, raw, tif, tiff, webp, x3f, xcf, xps), presentation (dps, key, key.zip, odp, pps, ppsx, ppt, pptm, pptx, sda), spreadsheet (csv, et, numbers, numbers.zip, ods, sdc, xls, xlsm, xlsx), and even vector images (ai, cdr, cgm, emf, eps, ps, sk, sk1, svg, svgz, vsd, wmf).
Overall, PDF Merge Tool is an excellent tool for merging and protecting PDF files, and its user-friendly design makes it easy to work with for users of all levels.
Version N/A