The Pitch Grid Test is a software tool that evaluates your relative pitch sense using a pitch distance indicator, measuring your ability to recognize pitches in cents. It also measures your response time, offering valuable feedback for relative pitch training.
This arrangement enables pitch-distances beyond half-step precision to get assessed. The test begins with a grid sensitivity of 1200 cents, consisting of only one column. Therefore, to pass the test, one only needs to click on the correct row where the played note was produced. Once you pass ten questions, the sensitivity reduces to 600 cents, which means the grid now consists of two columns.
Successive answers to ten questions lead to a further reduction of the grid sensitivity and an increased number of clickable columns. This makes the test more challenging, requiring an individual to listen more carefully to figure out the destination note, leading to longer answer times. Although the Pitch Grid Test may look like an absolute pitch test, it is a relative pitch test.
Moreover, it highlights the last played tone on the grid and serves as a reference tone for the next question. To ensure that it tests the grid sensitivities you haven't yet mastered, it allows users to choose the starting grid sensitivity. If you fail to answer ten questions for a given sensitivity, the test stops, and your relative pitch score gets calculated from the former passed sensitivity, and your maximum answering time.
Ultimately, answering speed plays an essential role in evaluating a user's relative pitch abilities. Therefore, the answering time gets incorporated into the relative pitch indicator. Overall, the Pitch Grid Test is an excellent software that evaluates an individual's capability to discriminate pitch-distances accurately.
Version 1.02: Consolidation Release with ListeningSingingTeacher's updated common procedures.