This software converts Quicktime VRs with high resolution to Flash movies.
Once the conversion process is complete, users receive a directory with their converted Flash movies. The best part is that the 8MB Quicktime plug-in is no longer required!
Movies that are converted with the standard or professional version of QTVR2Flash provide a seamless user experience. Details reload smoothly as the user zooms in, with this reloading process being done by Flash plug-in on the client side. No server-sided programs or plug-ins are necessary.
The QTVR2Flash movie can reload more details if the source Quicktime VR has higher resolutions. The maximum resolution can be 3600x2700 pixels in the professional version of the software. To accommodate lower-bandwidth connections, all detail images are streamed.
Additionally, QTVR2Flash can communicate effortlessly with other Flash presentations. Overall, QTVR2Flash is an excellent tool that makes Quicktime VR to Flash conversion a breeze.
Version Personal Edition: N/A