A barcode-based software simplifies document filing by assigning names to scanned documents based on the barcode content. It is suitable for accounting records or any other document that can be easily retrieved with a barcode number.

The software works by using bar codes as a unique identifier to segregate different document sections in a master document. It allows users to set up two barcodes, providing full flexibility in scanning and filing structured documents. A second barcode can be utilized to move all of one client's transactions to a separate folder for easy tracking.
In addition, Simple Bar Code Filer automatically appends or replaces existing files. When appending, pages are added, and a bookmark is placed in the output PDF to show when it was last appended. The software also has a monitor function, making it ideal for use with a copier that scans to a file folder on a network. The user can automatically name and file scanned documents, making the filing process even more streamline.
The bar code creation process itself is easy and efficient, as bar codes can be placed on the document by the software that creates the original document. For example, invoice numbers or purchase orders can be placed on the document by accounting software, or by the use of a cover page creator that is included with Simple Bar Code Filing.
Simple Bar Code Filer also provides retrieval and cover page creation modules that are accessible on each workstation without additional charges. Overall, Simple Bar Code Filer is an excellent program that simplifies document filing while achieving unparalleled organization and efficiency.
Version 4.5: Added Vista Support