A personal development ebook covering various topics such as career planning, self-confidence, office politics, self-help, stress management, weight loss, and beauty tips. It also includes bonus texts on politics and power such as classical works.

One of the standout features of this software is the bonus texts of classical works on politics and power. This is a unique addition that sets it apart from other personal development software I have used in the past. Reading these texts allowed me to gain a better understanding of the concepts and ideas presented in the e-book.
Another great feature of this software is its built-in browser. This means that there is no need for any additional software or applications to access the e-book and bonus content. I found this to be very convenient and user-friendly.
Overall, I highly recommend this personal development software. Its comprehensive coverage of personal development topics combined with the bonus classical texts and easy-to-use browser make it a valuable tool for anyone looking to improve themselves.
Version 2.2: Section added.
Version 2.0: Section added.