Enhance your projects and online publications with professionally designed stock icons using Vista Stock Icons software. With a wide range of options that continues to expand, it's the perfect way to spice up your work.

This expansive set offers an array of choices, and all icons are conveniently categorized, making it easy to choose the right ones for the job. The software also allows for the purchase of icons individually if you don't need a full collection, which is a thoughtful feature.
Vista Stock Icons offers multiple formats, states, resolutions, and color depths, ensuring that you have the perfect icon for any project. Additionally, vector versions of all the icons enable you to blow them up to any size without worrying about jagged lines or quality loss, which is impressive.
One of the most prominent advantages of Vista Stock Icons is its support for the alpha channel transparency effect. This feature gives your icons a sleek and modern look, making any program look more sophisticated and up-to-date. Overall, Vista Stock Icons is an excellent software for anyone looking to enhance the visual aspects of their projects while saving on costs.
Version 1.1: New release of Vista Stock Icons