This server-side Web EMail system enables secure access to all mail users from any computer. It is fully customizable and scalable with free upgrades and 12 months of email support.
One of the most significant advantages of WebMail is that you don't need any locally installed email client software. All you need is a standard web browser, which can simplify administration and support considerably, saving you both time and money in the long run. With builds available for installation on any platform and operating system, WebMail is highly versatile.
With multiple templates and multiple languages available, you can easily customize the look and feel to match your existing site. A great feature is that you can easily include banner advertising and logos in any of the pages seen by the user. Plus, you can even add promotional text or URLs to outgoing messages for added advertising impact.
WebMail comes with an unlimited user license, which includes 12 months of full email support and free upgrades. So if you're looking for a fully featured web-based email solution that's easy to use and administer, WebMail is definitely worth considering.
Version 3.1n2: New skin options for users. Complete Update of WebMail Managers Pages.