Software with 40+ probability distributions allowing users to view graphs and properties, calculate statistical moments, quantiles, and probabilities based on parameters.

The software allows users to quickly select a distribution of interest, specify parameter values, and view various graphs, including probability density, cumulative probability, survival, hazard, and cumulative hazard. Users can easily export the results to various formats or print them for further analysis.
One of the significant advantages of using StatAssist is that it eliminates the need for complex statistical tables. Instead, it calculates moments, quantiles, and tail probabilities in real-time as users modify distribution parameters. This feature saves time and prevents calculation errors.
Moreover, the software has an efficient random number generator, a visual distribution gallery, and comprehensive online documentation, making it user-friendly and easy to navigate.
StatAssist supports a wide range of distribution properties such as minimum, maximum, mode, mean, variance, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, skewness, and kurtosis. The software also supports various distributions, including Bernoulli, Beta, Binomial, Cauchy (Lorentz), Chi-Squared, Discrete Uniform, Erlang, Error Function, Exponential, F Distribution, Fatigue Life (Birnbaum-Saunders), Frechet, Gamma, Generalized Extreme Value (GEV), Generalized Logistic, Generalized Pareto, Geometric, Gumbel Max, Gumbel Min, Hypergeometric, Inverse Gaussian, Johnson SB, Johnson SU, Laplace (Double Exponential), Logarithmic, Logistic, Lognormal, Negative Binomial, Normal, Pareto, Pert, Phased Bi-Exponential, Phased Bi-Weibull, Poisson, Power Function, Rayleigh, Student's t, Triangular, Uniform, Wakeby, Weibull.
Overall, StatAssist is a reliable and powerful software tool that simplifies statistical calculations and helps users to save time and increase accuracy.
Version 2.0: N/A