Our software has found that people who take the Mensa entrance IQ test twice often score up to 20 units higher on the second attempt. This is attributed to increased familiarity with the test format and problem-solving techniques.

In fact, research has shown that taking a similar test beforehand can boost scores on the Mensa entrance exam. It seems that familiarity with the test situation and the types of questions asked can make a significant difference. By practicing with this software, you increase your chances of getting a higher score on your first try.
Of course, the software doesn't just offer you a chance to try out some similar problems. It also includes solutions to help you work through the questions and a helper to give you hints and tips along the way. Whether you're new to IQ tests or just looking to improve your score, this software is definitely worth a try.
Version 2.0: Possible to translate to 13 languages.
Version 1.0: N/A