EJS TreeGrid offers a comprehensive DHTML Gantt chart software that promises interactive features such as support for different types of dependencies, progress tracking, and resource allocation. The software boasts of customization options such as editing, formulas, sorting, and filtering along with AJAX support.
Compatible with a wide range of browsers including Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Firefox, Netscape Navigator, Opera, KHTML, and Safari, this Gantt chart supports all basic and extended features like MS Project, plus more. Real flow definition by even discrete date ranges, task dependencies (ss, sf, fs, ff), lines and arrows, milestones, flags, and resources are all available.
The Gantt items can be modified using mouse dragging, such as the changing of dates by moving or resizing bars, adding, changing, and deleting dependencies, and much more. Everything can also be edited in a standard grid text/number/date cell, chosen from a menu, or calendar. Gantt cell or item calculation by formula such as in MS Excel is also possible.
Customizable zooming is available, and tasks can be grouped and filtered by any column values, making it simple to display exactly what you need. Large charts with thousands of rows are also easily accommodated. EJS TreeGrid supports all extended features like editing, dragging, sorting, filtering, grouping, searching, printing, paging, and much more.
The Gantt chart is multilingual, including RTL support for Arabic languages and Hirji dates. With the ability to use AJAX or page submit for uploading changes to the server, this Gantt chart is an essential component for any project management software. I highly recommend it for anyone looking for a reliable, customizable, and feature-rich Gantt chart.
Version 5.9: Interactive Gantt, RTL support, IE8 support