E-mail Commander is a portable email client that does not need installation and can be stored on a USB flash drive. Perfect for users needing to access email on multiple devices.

Despite its sophistication, E-mail Commander is very user-friendly. You can easily customize the interface and layout to meet your own preferences. The program also includes automatic sorting of incoming messages based on criteria that you set. For example, you can have messages placed in specific folders or mailboxes so that you can quickly find them later.
In addition to sorting based on simple criteria like sender or subject, E-mail Commander also includes advanced filters that can be applied to any field of a message header or even to the body of messages themselves. The system is also capable of limiting the size of copied messages, and allows you to copy only the headers if that is all you need.
With E-mail Commander, you can also delete large message headers from the server without copying them to your computer. If you later discover that you need the full message, you can easily request that the remaining part be copied for you.
Overall, E-mail Commander is an excellent choice for anyone who wants a powerful yet easy-to-use email client. Its portable design and advanced filtering capabilities make it a must-try for frequent travelers or anyone who manages a large volume of email on a daily basis.
Version 9.02: Portable version
Version 9.01: Portable version
Version 8.60: Portable version
Version 8.50: Portable version
Version 8.36: Portable version