FoxTag Editor is a user-friendly tag processor software that allows easy completion of missing ID3 tag fields such as title, artist, album, year, genre, and comments. With a convenient and well-organized interface featuring clearly labeled icons, it is an efficient tag editing tool with advanced features.

FoxTag Editor is a comprehensive tag processor complete with numerous features available through an intuitive interface. The user-friendly interface displays well-organized and clear icons, making it easy to navigate. One of the most useful features of FoxTag Editor is its ability to complete missing ID3 tag fields using parts of the file and folder names like song title, artist, album, year, genre, comments, and many other vital tags.
In cases where the necessary information is absent, FoxTag Editor can download ID3 tags from online services such as Amazon and FreeDB. This program also allows you to export available tags and import ID3 tags from a database using a CSV file when connected to the internet. Additionally, you can use FoxTag Editor to create playlists, rename files, organize folders, and export data in different formats.
Furthermore, FoxTag Editor is not limited to just tagging music files; it also offers support for playing files, enqueuing files in Winamp, loading pictures, and editing files. The software is compatible with MP3, WMA, OGG, WAV, FLAC, APE, WV, M4A, AAC, and MPC files, which means that you can work with all supported formats at once without any difficulty.
If you need an efficient tool to manage your music library, FoxTag Editor is definitely worth trying out. Its impressive and extensive functionality will simplify your music file organization process and leave you with a well-organized music collection.
Version 4.2.0: Reduced CPU usage and new features added.
Version 4.1.0: Reduced CPU usage and new features added.