The software controls up to 12 electrical devices via the LPT-port. Users can manage the devices manually, through sensors, or by using data from two text files. Additionally, it can be controlled through a timer or from a computer connected to a LAN.
For those who have a 'voice' modem, it's also possible to remotely control the devices using a phone keypad. Additionally, the program can restart the devices connected to the local area network if there is no response to ping.
With this software, users can prepare a control device program that can be run to achieve possible operation logic. Furthermore, there's the option to work from a prepared script by enabling/disabling the devices and setting up playback for WAV or MP3 files in real-time mixing of different sounds.
The program comes with hotkeys for easy management of the devices, while there's also software emulation of pressing keys on the keyboard, depending on the status of sensors. All in all, I found this program to be quite useful for managing electrical devices and would recommend it to anyone looking for similar functionality.
Version 2.5: The ability to turn on (off) devices is not done according to the first and only turn on (turn off) of the selected sensor, but according to a certain number of turn it on (off).