A Roman board game where the objective is to capture all enemy pieces.
To begin, the white player can click on any empty spot to place a piece, followed by the black player doing the same. The game continues with each player taking turns to make a move. When three pieces of the same color form a horizontal or vertical line, a mill is formed. The player who forms a mill can then remove one of their opponent's pieces from the board. Pieces of a formed mill cannot be removed unless no other pieces are left on the board.
The game is won when a player has fewer than three pieces left or has been immobilized. During the game, the number of each player's unused pieces is shown on the left of the board. It's important to note that players must finish their turn within the given time limit, as indicated by the timer on the screen, or they will lose.
Once all pieces of both players have been used, the pieces on the board can be moved. The players need to click and select one of their pieces and then click an empty spot along the lines to move the selected piece. If a player cannot make a move, they will lose. A mill can also be formed if three pieces of the same color draw a straight line after moving. The player who forms the mill can again remove one of their opponent's pieces from the board.
When a player has only three pieces left, their pieces gain the ability to "fly" and can be moved to any vacant spot on the board. This adds an element of strategy to the game and keeps it interesting. In summary, Nine Men's Morris is a classic game that is easy to learn and offers a challenging experience for players of all levels.
Version 1.1.0: Fixed a bug which allowed the player to remove unused pieces and hanged the game