The RecordEditor is an editing software that formats data stored in CSV, Fixed Field width, and Xml formats using a Record-Layout. It enables human-readable edits of data files and is comparable to File-Aid and Net-Cobols Cobol-Editor.

In terms of editing options, the RecordEditor offers two choices: a table-like format and a single record format, where fields are displayed down the page. Furthermore, the tool can edit several file formats, including CSV files (Comma, Tab, etc delimited fields) for both Windows and Unix, fixed field width data files (both Text and Binary) for Windows, Unix, and Z-OS (IBM Mainframe) Operating systems, as well as existing XML files.
With regards to record-layout, users can either enter them via the Layout-Editor or import them from Cobol Copybooks. The RecordEditor is based on Java 6, which means it can run on most computer systems. In conclusion, the RecordEditor is a powerful and widely compatible data file editor, designed to simplify data editing tasks for users.
Version 0.98.2: Enhanced SaveAs/Export function, Enhanced Filters, Enhanced record Selection, Numerous GUI Changes, Enhanced Layout Editor, Xsl Transform support, Export via Script (Jython, JRuby etc).