This software provides a royalty-free collection of digital images featuring the city of Barcelona, Spain, with a focus on the Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Familia by Antonio Gaudi. The images are detailed, keyworded, and captioned for ease of use. Available on CD.
If you are looking to use images of this beautiful city for your educational, editorial or commercial projects, look no further than our growing collection of royalty-free stock images. Each image has been captured in high-resolution and features detailed captions and keywording with accuracy and minute detail.
Our incredible CD collection features 172 high-resolution images of the Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Familia that showcases all the details of this magnificent yet unfinished architectural work. The best thing is our collection is PC & Mac compatible CD-ROM, and all the images are in RGB, 2270x1700, jpg format, along with IPTC keywords and captions already embedded in the images.
Using our collection, you can easily import the whole collection into your master image database within minutes. So, if you want to add that extra touch of sophistication to your project with beautifully captured and detailed images of Barcelona, our Royalty-Free Stock Photo Image Collection on CD is all you need.
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