Smart ID Scan software is a tool that identifies and scans personal information, such as credit card details, social security numbers, passwords, and driver's licenses, on your computer. It aims to protect you from potential identity theft by detecting and preventing unauthorized access to this sensitive data.
With Smart ID Scan, users can perform an in-depth scan of their PC to search for any traces of personal information, such as credit card numbers, social security numbers, bank account numbers, passwords, and usernames. It is capable of exploring various file formats, including compressed files, documents, and spreadsheets, to locate personal ID information.
Deleting files containing personal information from a computer is not sufficient protection against malicious ID thieves. Smart ID Scan goes beyond just deletion and includes a complete file shredding feature. This makes the files irrecoverable, even with the most sophisticated data recovery software.
Smart ID Scan is designed to be user-friendly and convenient. It quickly locates and safely removes any files that contain sensitive information. By using Smart ID Scan, users can ensure that their PC's security status is fully understood, reducing the risk of identity theft.
In conclusion, Smart ID Scan provides a comprehensive solution for scanning and securing users' personal information from potential security breaches. It is a must-have software for every PC user.
Version 2.0: Small improvements
Version 2.0.0: Small improvements
Version Small improvements