SpaceTheremin is a mouse-controlled, virtual music software that is capable of producing six oscillator and vibrato types. It differs from the analog theremin by providing users with more options and versatility in sound design.
Notably, SpaceTheremin exclusively uses OpenAL for sound generation, and the vibrato function is where this software really shines. By adjusting vibrato depth (expressed as a percentage) and frequency via a sliding tool, you can produce some truly bizarre soundscapes. For a particularly intriguing effect, try setting the vibrato depth to 50% and going with a triangle waveform.
While the vibrato frequency can be altered in increments between 0.1 and 12.0 Hz, engaging the "modulation" option opens up the scale, giving you a maximum range of 8000. If you slide up past the audible frequency range of 20 Hz, you can push the boundaries even further and achieve some wild, two-oscillator frequency modulation sounds. All in all, SpaceTheremin is a powerful and flexible virtual theremin that's sure to delight anyone looking to explore the possibilities of tone generation in the digital domain.
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