statistiXL is a data analysis add-in for MS Excel with a range of abilities, including ANOVA, Clustering, Correlation, Regression and more. It also offers nonparametrics, UniMultivariate t-Tests, Factor Analysis and GOF.

Users can quickly subject data preserved in existing spreadsheets to a broad range of statistical examinations with statistiXL, including tests such as Analysis of Variance, Cluster Analysis, Contingency Tables, Correlation (Simple, Partial, Multiple and Canonical), Linear and Circular Descriptive Statistics, Classification and Grouping Discriminant Analysis, Factor Analysis, Goodness of Fit Tests, Simple and Multiple Linear Regression, Regression Comparison, Nonparametric Tests, Principal Component Analysis, and Univariate and Multivariate t-Tests, among others. statistiXL also provides a broad range of visuals, such as Box and Whisker Plots, Scatter Plots, Clustering Dendrograms, Normal Probability Plots, and various others.
There are numerous options for customizing the standard outcomes produced by statistiXL, and since these outcomes are displayed in Excel spreadsheets, users can modify and format text and graphical output with the tools they are already acquainted with, such as changing fonts, switching cells, adjusting graphs' axis scales etc. Furthermore, users can even examine the findings further using either statistiXL or Excel's abundant built-in functions.
Version 2.0: Added support for recent versions of Excel and Windows including 64 bit support. Added Excel Ribbon and Quick Help. Updated Factor Analysis and Regression routines. Minor updates to other modules.
Version 1.7: N/A
Version 1.6: N/A
Version 1.5: N/A