Visual Optim is a math software that enables users to perform one dimension searching, linear programming, unconstrained nonlinear programming, and constrained nonlinear programming.

With Visual Optim, you can easily implement different optimization algorithms, such as gradient descent, Newton's method, and more. Additionally, you can visualize the results of your optimization tasks, which helps you to gain better insights into your data and models.
The program provides a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to set up your optimization tasks and to monitor their progress. With just a few clicks, you can set up your problem, choose your optimization algorithm, set the constraints, and run the calculations.
One of the major strengths of Visual Optim is that it can handle both linear and nonlinear optimization tasks. It can also handle a wide range of constraints, including equality and inequality constraints, and it supports both continuous and discrete variables.
In summary, Visual Optim is a powerful optimization software that provides users with a wide range of optimization algorithms, an intuitive interface, and advanced visualizations. Whether you need to solve a linear programming or a constrained nonlinear programming problem, Visual Optim has the tools you need to optimize your tasks more efficiently.
Version 2.2: N/A
Version 2.1: N/A
Version 2.0.1: N/A
Version 2.0: N/A
Version 1.01: N/A
Version 1.0: N/A