VPS+ is a potent IDE that assists in layering virtual network protocols, enhancing the development process.
One of the stand-out features of VPS+ is its support for a variety of state-of-the-art technologies. This includes protocol emulation capabilities for L2, L3, L4, and application layer protocols. It also supports RTC and VoIP signaling via SIP and SIPs, as well as RTC and VoIP media via RTP and SRTP. Additionally, it provides emulation and support for media players, media recorders, camera, microphone, text-to-speech (TTS), and automatic speech recognition (ASR).
VPS+ also offers speech codecs, video codecs, tone generation and detection, IoT sensor and actuator emulation, IoT CoAP and HTTP support, and impairment insertion at all layers, such as loss and latency for different distributions including Markov two-state wireless loss model. Further, it provides Software defined protocol emulation (SDPE) with controllers and agents distributed throughout a network, dynamic, passive, and active network quality estimation at all layers including standard VoIP MOS scores, and LUA based scripting for customized behavior.
Moreover, VPS+ comes with routing, NAT, and STUN capabilities, as well as support for IPv4 and IPv6, transport protocols including UDP, TCP, DTLS, TLS, and ICMP, DHCP, and DNS. Overall, VPS+ is an impressive software solution that will appeal to developers, QA engineers, network operators, and anyone looking for a comprehensive IDE for their network protocol needs.
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