This Pygame software is free and open source and is a remake of the classic game Wavy Navy. It was originally designed for the Apple ][ and C64 and is now available for modern systems.
The gameplay involves moving your ship from left to right while firing your SAM (Surface to Air Missile) and dodging objects that are in your path. As you progress through the game, idling waves of Copters and Fighters at the top of the screens decide to make attack runs. Fighters will loop around and occasionally drop a bomb, crashing into the waves as well. Sadly, shooting them doesn't get rid of them, as a new one will replace it from the top so you have to keep shooting them to keep them dead.
Copters are much more dangerous than fighters as they come down, look around, and fire an entire stream of bullets at you. Enemies are worth more at higher difficulty levels, and Copters and Fighters are worth more when they're trying to attack you than when they're just idling back and forth. Certain levels have other enemies such as Cruise Missiles, Bombers, and Mines. Mines just slowly float at the bottom of the waves, while Cruise Missiles shoot across the top of the screen, then the tops of the waves. With Bombers, you have to be careful as they fly across the screen and drop a huge number of bombs - but in theory, there's enough room between them for you to live!
The game never really ends, but when your rank ceases to go up, you've effectively beaten that difficulty level. The game will let you know when this happens, however, you can keep playing, and the toughness of the enemies will keep increasing. Trying a higher difficulty level is recommended as you'll get more points, and level 3 is extremely challenging. If you manage to beat that, the developers may have to add difficulty level 4! Overall, this game is an exciting adventure that I enjoyed playing and is definitely worth checking out if you are a fan of action-packed games.
Version 2.00: N/A