Aryson BKF File Viewer scans and opens corrupt Windows Backup BKF files, enabling the preview of data and saving it in TXT format.
One of the standout features of the BKF Viewer software is that it allows you to open BKF files according to data range and then export them into the TXT (log) file format. However, it does not permit the extraction of data from BKF files. This aside, the software is completely free and runs smoothly on all platforms of Windows, including win10, win7 and other previous versions.
During my testing, I was able to open up to 1TB of BKF files without any data loss. However, it is worth noting that data can only be saved as TXT files. That being said, the software can still be freely used by users for previewing the data from their Windows Backup BKF files with their data properties.
If you are looking to successfully open corrupted Windows Backup.bkf files on your Windows platform, I highly recommend downloading the full version of Aryson Technologies' BKF File Viewer software.
Version 18.0: Supports all versions of Windows Backup File