The software counts the frequency of characters in Word or text files and ranks them from highest to lowest. It also allows users to save results to a text file or import them into Excel.
One of the best things about this software is the results are returned in order of highest to lowest frequency. This means you can easily see which characters are occurring most frequently and adjust your analysis and text editing accordingly. Moreover, it saves you time and effort by automating the counting process and providing clear output.
Another feature of this software is that it allows users to save the results to a text file or export them to Excel. This makes it even easier to work with the data and use it for various purposes. You can quickly manipulate the information in Excel and create charts and graphs to visualize your findings.
Overall, if you're looking for a reliable software to analyze the frequency of characters in text documents, this product is an excellent choice. It streamlines the process and provides accurate results, saving you time and effort.
Version 7.0: None