Express Delegate is a software that organizes dictation workflow of files made by various NCH dictation suite users.

Express Delegate allows the user to mark job statuses as unassigned, assigned, transcribing, or finished, giving managers the ability to edit and view dictation details.
One of the most helpful features of Express Delegate is the ability to upload transcriptions directly to the web interface, and speakers can download these quickly and easily. Typists receive their assignments via email or by logging into the web console.
Express Delegate offers three levels of web console access, including manager, speaker, and typist access. Users can assign typists to a single or multiple typing pools and set various rules for speakers, job priorities, and tags.
Dictation files can be sent from Express Dictate directly to Express Delegate, and typists can retrieve new dictations through Express Scribe. Users can manually upload recordings and final transcription documents through the web console, allowing for greater customization of document management.
Finally, the reports section of the software tracks dictations created, transcripts finished, and other important data, making tracking and analyzing job data convenient and straightforward.
Overall, Express Delegate is a practical, intuitive software solution to dictation management. Its comprehensive features and easy-to-use interface make it an ideal choice for busy offices looking to streamline their dictation management process.
Version 4.12: New web console, new typing pools, new management structure.