FastEmailer is an easy-to-use software that enables users to conduct email campaigns from any email account. It allows for importing data from directories into a Send Group and supports various international languages.
Ideal for prospecting, newsletters, promotional offers, invitations, and reminders, FastEmailer can handle up to 1000 emails per hour, making it one of the fastest emailing software you can use. EuropeSoftwares developed this program using the powerful Java and XML technology, ensuring its versatility across different operating systems like Windows, Linux, Macintosh, and Solaris. Moreover, with fast emailer's support for multiple languages, it offers users the flexibility to use it in their preferred language.
Overall, FastEmailer is an excellent software that every business, organization, or individual can rely on for successful email campaigns. It's easy to use and comes with everything you need to make your emailing campaigns a success. With its incredible features and reliable performance, FastEmailer is worth giving a try.
Version 2024: Some Improvements.
Version 2023: Some Improvements.