Okdo Document Converter Professional is an advanced file converter that supports an extensive range of formats including doc, docx, xls, ppt, pdf, and any image type. It is capable of converting files to and from these formats with ease.

One of the most compelling features of Okdo Document Converter Professional is its ability to batch convert any format file once to save your time. Even better it offers support for OCR (Optical Character Recognition) for Images. Plus, it offers support for a plethora of formats, such as doc, docx, docm, xls, xlsx, xlsm, ppt, pptx, pptm, pdf, rtf, txt, html, url, jpg, jpeg, bmp, gif, tif, wmf, emf, png, jp2, j2k, pcx, ico, swf video, and more.
With Okdo Document Converter Professional, you can output PDF by the default way, text way, or image way. It also allows you to convert PowerPoint to Word/Excel by default way, save the slides page layout way, extract the character of the slides to convert way or convert the slide's content by image way. Furthermore, it lets you extract the text of PDF to convert and convert each page content of Word/Rtf to single file.
If you're looking for a software that supports merging each sheet of one Excel file to one file, Okdo Document Converter Professional delivers, automatically adjusting the sheet page size of Excel to adapt the output page. You can even custom-set the PowerPoint slide size and direction, the image as a PowerPoint background, and merge the converted images to one single pdf/ppt/gif/tiff.
Okdo Document Converter Professional goes the extra mile by supporting multi-page pdf to multi-page ppt/gif/tif, multi-page ppt/gif/tiff to multi-page pdf. Adding to that, it allows for saving output files in the same folder as source files, and much more.
Overall, Okdo Document Converter Professional is an excellent software with many powerful features that should cater to most document conversions you may require.
Version 5.0: Support converting each file to separate directory within output folder.